More About the Mists
What is in Your Mists ?
The Flower Essences
Flower Essences are vibrational remedies made using a flower, leaf, root or the whole plant. They are made using a potentised water solution which is imprinted with the vibration of the flower by laying the flower into the water, running the water over the flower or by nestling the plant material into the plant for a period of time. Each of the Flower Essences that go in to the Mists is a co-creation with the Elemental Realm from a plant that I have been working with for a period of time (Sometimes as long as 20 years). Flower essences have no smell and are a purely Vibrational Remedy that uses the Colour, Shape, Habit and Growing Environment to impart a certain vibrational signature which is imprinted into the potentised water. Through meditative practice while making the essence, a connection is made to the Spirit of the plant for insight, understanding or a shift in perspective that can allow a healing shift to take place. The insights that come as I work and meditate with the plant form the basis of the message of each Mist and have been my Journey with each plant.
The Hydrosols
Hydrosols are the aromatic water component that comes from the distillation process. All the Hydrosols in the Mists are Craft Distilled in small batches from plants I have lovingly tended throughout the year. When working in small batches I have the luxury of allowing some for me and some for Nature. As these plants form an integral part of my garden, I love to create habitat for Bees, Bugs and Bounty. As the plant matter is prepared for distilling it is carefully checked for any critters who are lovingly returned to the garden. I use no chemical sprays and only organically certified fertilizers. My worm farm creates the bulk of my input and our beautiful Tasmanian Soil makes it a joy to grow. When distilling is finished the plant material that is left is dried and returned to the garden as mulch or used in the worm farm. As much as possible keeping the process as local as possible and using everything effectively.
The Essential Oils
Essential Oils are the volatile aromatic components that comes from the distillation process. Some of the essential oils are also craft distilled on site from plants that I have grown and tended throughout the year. I still buy in some oils and when I do, I choose distillers who are focussed on sustainability. The process of changing over completely to my own distillations for products is one that I am working towards as my garden matures.
There will be seasonal variations in aroma with each batch as this is part of the energetic flow and joy of small batch distilling with the seasons. The Mists are always evolving and changing as the energy of Humanity, Nature and the World evolve and change.
Aromatic Tinctures
Aromatic Tinctures are extracts of aromatic plants made by using alcohol to extract the aromatic compounds from different plant materials. I use good quality white spirit to get the best aroma and also to help preserve your mist.
The solubilizer used to help keep the essential oils dispersed into the mist is decyl glucoside which is a plant derived, biodegradable surfactant suitable for use in organic preparations.
What the Mists are in.
The Bottles for the Mists come from Ant Packaging in Bangalow. An Australian Company committed to carbon neutral practices. The Bottles are made from recycled materials or rPET. They can also be repurposed after the mist is finished. They can also be recycled again.
I hope you enjoy your journey with these beautiful Mists and the Elemental Beings that have Inspired them. Each one has taken me on a journey of discovery and helped me to find Joy, Balance, Abundance, Peace, Harmony and Purpose in My life.
More About My Journey

Karmina Gordon
My Love of Herbs began in my early 20's with the gift of a herbal workbook called Herbcraft. It changed my life and opened my eyes to a wonderful world of gardening, healing and connection to the planet which provides all we need for a beautiful and fulfilled life.
Over the years I have worked in plant nurseries, flower farms, permaculture farms, health stores, pharmacies and in my own clinical practice. I have seen the wide variety of ways that we, as humans connect with the natural world. I have met Inspiring people and teachers who live eat and breathe their passion for Nature. Many thanks to all of them.
We intrinsically know that Nature will help us heal and we seek out that gentle wisdom in any way we can to connect us back to a gentler way of living. It can be as thoughtful as giving someone a bunch of flowers to lift their spirits when they are feeling down or sick or as simple as sitting under a tree. It re-connects us to our own wisdom , to help ourselves and others through nature.
I hope that in my way I can help connect you with a part of nature that has spoken to me and helped me on my journey of life and healing.
Many Flower Blessing
Qualifications and Training
Loving, Listening and Experiencing Nature
Trying things out so see if they work.
Making lots of mistakes till I find out what works.
Reading lots of books on lots of different subjects.
Listening and watching people who have done what I want to do.
Asking Soooooo Many Questions
Also :
Advanced Diploma of Naturopathy HLT60507
Advanced Diploma Western Herbal Medicine HLT60107
Advanced Diploma of Nutrition HLT61007
Diploma of Clinical Aromatherapy HLT52315
Cert IV Kinesiology ICPKP
Kinergetics R.E.S.E.T. Level 1 and 2
Cert IV Training and Assessment TAE40110
Address adult language, literacy and numeracy skills TAELLN411
Cert 3 Horticulture AHC30710
Permaculture Design Certificate ( Northy Street City Farm )
Current First Aid Certificate HLTAID001, HLTAID002, HLTAID003
Sound Healing , Sound Healing Academy
Association Membership
ATMS - Australian Traditional Medicine Society No. 21430