The Meridian Mists
Kidney Meridian
Water Element
Scurvy Weed
(Commelina cyanea)

Meridian – Kidney Meridian
Chakra- Heart and Throat
Healing Mantra
" I Communicate Clearly and Confidently About My Ideas and Emotions”
Use this or be guided to find your own to work with.
Flower Essence of Scurvy Weed (Commelina cyanea)
The Kidney Meridian.
Physical Description and Energetic Associations
Many traditions believe that sound is the first manifesting principle in the world of matter. Here our spirit begins to manifest its potential through us voicing our ideas and emotions.
Native to Australia, the first settlers used this little plant it to ward off scurvy. Delicate, the flowers are easily crushed, when we first voice our thoughts, emotions or ideas, they too can be easily crushed. This essence helps us have the confidence to voice our ideas.
The little green leaves are delicately kidney shaped while the flower is a clear throat chakra blue. Growing close to the ground and having tiny flowers, it is easily trodden on or overlooked. The flowers prefer the shade and direct sunlight easily makes them wilt.
The Message from the Scurvy Weed
I may be tiny and delicate but like a butterfly flapping it’s wings, all that is needed to change a situation can be the right word whispered in the right place. The power of your words, spoken from the heart ripple outward and manifest your world. Speak from the heart and Speak bravely my beautiful friends and watch your world ripple into being.
My Journey with this Flower Being
I made this essence for a client who was having trouble speaking up at work and in his relationship. He was not a person to raise his voice and found he was being talked over all the time, leading to frustration and a lack of confidence. In his kinesiology sessions his kidney meridian would always need balancing. I kept getting an image of a blue flower that would help him, but it wasn’t any of the ones I had already in the clinic. After his session I went outside to water the plants and found a patch of this beautiful flower glowing at me from under the trees. I went back inside and got my things together to make this essence.
While making this essence I was trying to observe the “rules” I had been taught at college for making essences. One of which was not to touch the flower as you are working iwht it as this keeps your energy out of the essence. They suggested using a leaf or stem. As I tried this I kept crushing these tiny beautiful flowers.
The flower said, “just touch me, pick me with love and place me in the water. As if your energy wont be in this essence. It is our creation and will have our energy as part of its healing. Rules are fine but having the confidence to know when to make your own rules is better”
So I picked the flowers with my fingers gently and placed them in the essence water. I listened to that wisdom and now as I make an essence I ask the flower how it wants to be made. Sometimes I pick them, sometimes I just let them sit in the water, sometimes I run the water over them and catch it again. I have the confidence to know that the plant will communicate the best way for the essence I have in mind. We make our own “rules”.
The client used this essence and found that he started to be able to speak up at team meetings. His voice was heard and his feelings of frustration went as he spoke up. After a while, his relationship improved as he was able to voice his emotions clearly and communicate what he needed to say.
I have used this flower essence with many people who feel they keep getting trodden on by other opinions and lack the confidence to let their voice be heard.
I use it for myself when I am feeling nervous, especially when speaking Infront of large groups or speaking on videos.
This Mist is infused with :
The Hydrosol of :
Lime Geranium – Grounding, calming, Clearing and uplifting.
The Flower Essence of:
Scurvy Weed – (Commelina cyanea) – Confidence, Clear Communication
The Essential Oils which Gently Complement this Mist are :
Ginger – Tonifying and Stimulating Self Confidence .
Rose Geranium – (Pelargonium graveolens) Balancing, Calming and Rejuvenating especially to the Heart Chakra.
Lavender – Soothing, Calming and Promoting Healing.
The Journey For You :
I hope that in creating this mist, you will be able to connect with your heart and communicate all that your heart needs to tell the world. Be confident that your ideas and emotions are important to the ripple of human consciousness.
Many Flower Blessings