The Blended Mists
Rainbow Light
Connection, Integration, Balance
Rainbow Light Mist
Connection, Integration, Balance
This Mist was originally made for use in Kinesiology balancing. It helps to Integrate different aspects of ourselves represented in Kinesiology By Left / Right , Up / Down, Front and Back.
The Rainbow Spectrum of Colours in this mist bring a vibrancy to the Chakras and Meridian Energy systems feeding them with the colour vibrations they need for balance and vitality.
The Healing Mantras that came with this Mist are:
“I Am Fully Connected to My Whole Being.”
“ I Am Fully Integrated on All Levels of My Being.”
“I Easily Maintain Balance In All Area of My Life.”
This Mist is infused with :
The Flower and Vibrational Essences of:
Tulip Rainbow – Connection to Unity Consciousness. Colour Vibration Integration.
Divine Pink Water Lily - Honouring the Balance of the Self.
Dandelion Dodecahedron- Integration of all parts to a harmonious Whole.
Inkweed - Release of all that No Longer Serves our Journey.
Carrot Flower – Connection of All Our Energy Centres.
Bee Healing – Internal Communication and Organization.
The Hydrosol of :
Peppermint Geranium - The Earthiness of geranium balances and grounds us. The freshness of the peppermint helps to clear the connection between Earth Star and Soul Star Chakras.
The Essential Oils which Gently Compliment this Mist are :
Ginger – Tonifying and Stimulating Self Confidence .
Juniper – Warming, Stimulation, Empowering.
Rose Geranium – Balancing, Calming and Rejuvenating especially to the Heart Chakra.
Sweet Fennel – Clears stagnated energy, thoughts and creative processes. Opens the way for self-confident expression.
The Journey :
For me the Journey to create this Mist helped me to recognize where I could integrate more of myself into the physical world. Working with the Dandelion helped me to work with bigger picture celestial concepts and star being information and be able to ground the information for use in my physical manifestation. It helped strengthen the intuitive part of myself and balance that with the reasoning part. It helped me to understand the duality of our world. For everything that is, also is not. To be able to hold opposing concepts, ideas, beliefs and thoughts without having to be attached to them and so cause disharmony. The carrot flower helped me to stay grounded and manifest some earthy creative projects. It helped me to recognize that the brain ( my head space and reasoning ability ) is an important part of my whole being and to be able to use the best of its virtues in balance with my intuition. The Pink Lily, always my special helper in any matter of the heart, helped me to integrate heart wisdom into my every day life in balance with my Head and Intuition. Inkweed helped with the process of Release. That release is a process to be moved through at an appropriate rate for me so that I could truly get the value from my experiences and be able to release easily that which no longer served me.
The addition of Tulips Rainbow came after my move to Tasmania where I experienced the magic of standing in a field of exploding colour vibrations. The rainbow of colour, grounded and given manifest form by the Tulips for a few short weeks. Standing in a paddock surrounded by thousands of these beautiful beings is uplifting, joyful and hopeful. This essence focuses on the colours in our auric field. Bringing in vibrancy and connection where we may feel a little faded. It helps us to boldly stand out when we need to, creating contrast and bringing attention to issues close to our heart. It also helps us to be able to lend our colour to the human communal consciousness on the planet, standing together in Unity, despite our unique differences. The shapes, colours, heights, flowering times and attitudes of all these flowers are all different yet they are all Tulips. It is a reminder of the beauty and vibrancy of hope and joy we can bring to the planet with the life we have. A vast array of differences make up our human spectrum Each and Every one of us a unique bloom in a rainbow sea of human consciousness. Individually we are beautiful, together we are stupendous.
For You :
I hope that in creating this mist, you will find the same sense of wholeness that I found by working with this Mist. I hope that you will be able to find and integrate your WholeSelf lovingly and with Joy.
Flower Blessings.