The Blended Mists
I Honour Myself
Yogalicious Mist
This Mist was originally made as a gift for all the amazing people who I got to spend an inspiring Yoga Retreat with every year. This Mist helps me to remember to Honour Myself each and every day, exactly how I am, right here, right now. To honour the Journey Of My Life and all the special ways I am me and the capacity for Love that we all have, starting with ourselves.
The healing Mantra that came with this Mist is:
“I Honour Myself.”
This Mist is infused with :
The Flower and Vibrational Essences of:
Divine Pink Water Lily - I Honour Myself.
Pink Lavender - Be Gentle with Ourselves and Others,
Venus Roses - Self Love and Self Acceptance
Yin Water - Self Reflection. From the Magic Pools in the Orara Valley.
The Hydrosol of :
Melissa – ( Melissa officinalis) – Lemon Balm. Harmonizing, Calming, Serenity.
Rosalina.- ( Melaleuca ericifolia ) Calming and Clearing. Helps to open the heart chakra so that we can breathe deeply of life.
The Essential Oils which Gently Compliment this Mist are :
Clove – (Eugenia caryophyllus) Clove Spelt C LOVE or See Love. Self Love and Acceptance.
Patchouli – (Pogostemon cablin) – Rejuvenation, Warming, Reconnecting.
Rosalina.- ( Melaleuca ericifolia ) Calming and Clearing. Helps to open the heart chakra so that we can breathe deeply of life.
Sweet Fennel – Clears stagnated energy, thoughts and creative processes. Opens the way for self-confident expression.
The Journey :
For me the Journey to create this Mist helped me to be more present in My body. For me Yoga brings an awareness of my body, whether it feels tight, flexible, sore or energetic. When I am doing Yoga I feel it exactly how it is in the present moment. I can focus on being right here, breathing and stretching into my manifested self. Being present is a powerful moment. I Honour Myself that I am on a Journey, sometimes I get it, sometimes I don't but always I am perfect right now. The image of My Pink Lily with the Sparkles in the water is my reminder of the effervescent nature of our souls. The picture and essence were made in the middle of a cyclone like weather event . Right in the middle of the worst of it the sun came out to fill the world with shine and sparkle. It reminded me that the shine and sparkle are always there. Our Everlastingness. The rain, comes and goes :-)
For You :
I hope that in creating this mist, you will find the same sense of Presence that I feel when using this mist or doing Yoga. A deep connection to yourself that is beautiful and awe-inspiring. To feel the powerfulness of your total presence, Honouring the Amazing being that you are right now.
Flower Blessings.